equipment storage fire fighting vehicle 4×4 4WD full road condition HOWO fire car.
main specific of the 4wd fire truck
- HOWO tools rescue fire truck Demolition tools, including fire axes, cutting tools, etc. As for the others, they all belong to the fire protection system, such as automatic fire alarm system, automatic sprinkler system, smoke exhaust system, fire separation system, fire broadcasting system, gas fire extinguishing system, emergency evacuation system, etc.
- the fire vehicle Fire extinguisher is a kind of light fire extinguishing device that can be moved by manpower, which can spray out the filled fire extinguishing agent under its internal pressure to fight fires. There are many fire extinguishers, and their scope of application is also different, only the correct selection of the type of fire extinguisher can effectively fight different types of fires and achieve the expected results.
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